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soulskater |
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oZimBackup v1.0.0
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1. About.
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2. Requirements.
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3. Installation.
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4. Backup Scheduling.
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5. Support.
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1. About.
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oZimbraBackup is a backup script for Zimbra Collaboration Suite - Open Source Edition.
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The main functionality is the ability to take different types of backup and sending them off site.
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The script has the following features:
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* Full backup.
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* Differential backup.
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* Full message store backup.
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* Differential message store backup.
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* Backup packaging.
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* Off site transfer via SCP or FTP.
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* Logging with log file rotation.
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The script is pre-configured with some basic options. Open up the script in a text editor of your choice and change the options to suite your needs.
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The script has been tested with version 6.0.6 of Zimbra Collaboration Suite - OSE but should even work with the latest 5.x OSE branch.
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2. Requirements.
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This script utilize rsync, tar & gzip for basic functionality but needs scp, ftp & expect for file transfers.
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3. Installation.
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To install this script, simply put it where you want it and add it to crontab, make sure it is executable.
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You can make it executable by doing this as root:
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chmod +x oZimBackup.sh
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4. Backup Scheduling.
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The scheduling of backups is highly individual depending on server load, amount of users a.s.o.
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Some possible examples of scheduling with crontab:
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# m h dom mon dow command
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00 3 * * * /opt/scripts/oZimbraBackup.sh --full > /dev/null 2>&1
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00 12 * * * /opt/scripts/oZimbraBackup.sh --msg-full > /dev/null 2>&1
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00 6,16,23 * * * /opt/scripts/oZimbraBackup.sh --msg-diff > /dev/null 2>&1
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5. Support.
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Visit us at http://dev.osource.se/ for support and bug reporting.