Subversion Repositories oZimbraBackup

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Ignore whitespace Rev 4 → Rev 5

1,8 → 1,15
2016-04-01 Marcus Uddenhed <>
* (core): Fixed backup problem with LDAP database, using built in mdb_copy to not copy db file in sparse mode.
See following link for more info:
* (core): Removed some obsolete code.
2015-12-14 Marcus Uddenhed <>
* (core): Modified path to zmcontrol for startup and shutdown.
* (core): Modified path to zmcontrol for startup and shutdown.
* (core): Removed obsolete code.
* (core): Removed obsolete code.
2014-05-18 Marcus Uddenhed <>
24,43 → 24,43
# Developer: oSource Development(as of 2009-07-01)
# DevTeam: Marcus Uddenhed
# Version: 1.0.7
# Updated: 2015-12-14 22:17
# Updated: 2016-04-01 15:30
#### Global Settings ####
ZimInstPath=/opt # Installation path for Zimbra, excluding the Zimbra folder.
ZimHome=zimbra # The Zimbra installation folder, excluding path to folder.
ZimInstPath=/opt # Installation path for Zimbra, excluding the Zimbra folder.
ZimHome=zimbra # The Zimbra installation folder, excluding path to folder.
ZimBackupPath=/opt/backup # Root folder for backup where backup files will be placed.
#### Log Settings ####
ZimLogEnable=yes # Turns logging on or off(yes/no).
ZimLogLogRotate=no # Enables log rotating(yes/no)
ZimLogRotateInt=day # How often should we rotate logs(day, week or month)
ZimLogPath=/opt/logs # Folder for log files
ZimLogVerbose=no # Activates extra logging information(yes/no)
ZimLogEnable=yes # Turns logging on or off(yes/no).
ZimLogLogRotate=no # Enables log rotating(yes/no)
ZimLogRotateInt=day # How often should we rotate logs(day, week or month)
ZimLogPath=/opt/backup/logs # Folder for log files
ZimLogVerbose=no # Activates extra logging information(yes/no)
#### File Transfer Settings ####
# Enable Services (yes/no)
ZimFtpEnable=no # Enable/Disable ftp file transfer(yes/no)
ZimScpEnable=no # Enable/Disable scp file transfer(yes/no)
ZimFtpEnable=no # Enable/Disable ftp file transfer(yes/no)
ZimScpEnable=no # Enable/Disable scp file transfer(yes/no)
# Extra FTP Settings
ZimFtpOpt='' # Extra options for ftp file transfer, see manual for ftp command
ZimFtpOpt='' # Extra options for ftp file transfer, see manual for ftp command
# Extra SCP Settings
ZimScpOpt='' # Extra options for scp file transfer, see manual for scp command
ZimScpOpt='' # Extra options for scp file transfer, see manual for scp command
# Common Settings
ZimFilehostUser= # Username for file transfers
ZimFilehostPass= # Password for file transfers
ZimFilehostAddress= # Host address for file transfers
ZimFilehostFolder= # Folder on host where files will be placed during file transfer
ZimFilehostUser= # Username for file transfers
ZimFilehostPass= # Password for file transfers
ZimFilehostAddress= # Host address for file transfers
ZimFilehostFolder= # Folder on host where files will be placed during file transfer
#### File Delete Settings ####
ZimDeleteLocalFile=no # Enable/Disable compressed backup file deletion after successful backup(yes/no)
ZimDeleteTimeSet=0 # Set in minutes above 0 to keep a desired amount of files locally,
# be sure to match the time with your backup schedules.
ZimDeleteTimeSet=0 # Set in minutes above 0 to keep a desired amount of files locally,
# be sure to match the time with your backup schedules.
##### Do not change anything below this line unless you know what you are doing #####
147,12 → 147,19
full_backup() {
# Cleaning LDAP database from backup folder if exist.
if [ -f "$ZimDiffTmpPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db/data.mdb" ];
rm $ZimDiffTmpPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db/data.mdb
# Making backup
if [ $ZimLogEnable = 'yes' ] && [ $ZimLogVerbose = 'yes' ]
# Hot sync before shutdown on zimbra folder
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Hot syncing to backup folder..." >> $ZimLogFile
rsync -avHK --delete $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimFullTmpPath >> $ZimLogFile
rsync -avHK --delete --exclude 'data/ldap/mdb/db/data.mdb' $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimFullTmpPath >> $ZimLogFile
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Hot syncing to backup folder done." >> $ZimLogFile
# Stopping Zimbra
160,11 → 167,13
# Cold sync of zimbra folder
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Cold syncing to backup folder..." >> $ZimLogFile
rsync -avHK --delete $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimFullTmpPath >> $ZimLogFile
rsync -avHK --delete --exclude 'data/ldap/mdb/db/data.mdb' $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimFullTmpPath >> $ZimLogFile
# Special LDAP DB copying needed.
$ZimInstPath/$ZimHome/openldap/bin/mdb_copy $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db $ZimFullTmpPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db >> $ZimLogFile
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Cold syncing to backup folder done." >> $ZimLogFile
# Starting Zimbra
# Compressing backup for space reduction
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Compressing backup folder..." >> $ZimLogFile
175,17 → 184,19
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Cleaning differential backup folder..."
rm -r -f $ZimDiffTmpPath/* >> $ZimLogFile
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Cleaned differential backup folder."
# Hot sync before shutdown on zimbra folder
rsync -avHK --delete $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimFullTmpPath
rsync -avHK --delete --exclude 'data/ldap/mdb/db/data.mdb' $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimFullTmpPath
# Stopping Zimbra
# Cold sync of zimbra folder
rsync -avHK --delete $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimFullTmpPath
rsync -avHK --delete --exclude 'data/ldap/mdb/db/data.mdb' $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimFullTmpPath
# Special LDAP DB copying needed.
$ZimInstPath/$ZimHome/openldap/bin/mdb_copy $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db $ZimFullTmpPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db
# Starting Zimbra
192,23 → 203,31
# Compressing backup for space reduction
tar -zcvpf $ZimBackupPath/$ZimBackupFile -C $ZimBackupPath tf zimbra_version.txt
# Cleaning differential folder.
rm -r -f $ZimDiffTmpPath/*
rm -r -f $ZimDiffTmpPath/*
diff_backup() {
# Checking if LDAP database folder exist and fix it.
if [ ! -f "$ZimDiffTmpPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db/data.mdb" ];
if [ ! -d "$ZimDiffTmpPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db" ]
mkdir -p $ZimDiffTmpPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db
rm -R $ZimDiffTmpPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db/data.mdb
# Make backup
if [ $ZimLogEnable = 'yes' ] && [ $ZimLogVerbose = 'yes' ]
# Cleaning backup folder
#echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Cleaning backup folder..." >> $ZimLogFile
#rm -r -f $ZimDiffTmpPath/* >> $ZimLogFile
#echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Cleaning backup folder done." >> $ZimLogFile
# Hot syncing to backup folder
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Hot syncing to backup folder..." >> $ZimLogFile
rsync -avHK --compare-dest=$ZimFullTmpPath/ $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimDiffTmpPath >> $ZimLogFile
rsync -avHK --exclude 'data/ldap/mdb/db/data.mdb' --compare-dest=$ZimFullTmpPath/ $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimDiffTmpPath >> $ZimLogFile
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Hot syncing to backup folder done." >> $ZimLogFile
# Stopping Zimbra
216,17 → 235,14
# Cold syncing to backup folder
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Cold syncing to backup folder..." >> $ZimLogFile
rsync -avHK --compare-dest=$ZimFullTmpPath/ $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimDiffTmpPath >> $ZimLogFile
rsync -avHK --exclude 'data/ldap/mdb/db/data.mdb' --compare-dest=$ZimFullTmpPath/ $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimDiffTmpPath >> $ZimLogFile
# Special LDAP DB copying needed.
$ZimInstPath/$ZimHome/openldap/bin/mdb_copy $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db $ZimDiffTmpPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db >> $ZimLogFile
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Cold syncing to backup folder done." >> $ZimLogFile
# Starting Zimbra
# Syncing backup folders
#echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Syncing backup folders..." >> $ZimLogFile
#cp -R $ZimDiffTmpPath/* $ZimFullTmpPath/ >> $ZimLogFile
#echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Syncing backup folders done." >> $ZimLogFile
# Compressing backup folder
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Compressing backup folder..." >> $ZimLogFile
tar -zcvpf $ZimBackupPath/$ZimBackupFile -C $ZimBackupPath td zimbra_version.txt >> $ZimLogFile
236,20 → 252,18
# Hot sync before shutdown on zimbra folder
#rm -R $ZimDiffTmpPath/*
rsync -avHK --compare-dest=$ZimFullTmpPath/ $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimDiffTmpPath
rsync -avHK --exclude 'data/ldap/mdb/db/data.mdb' --compare-dest=$ZimFullTmpPath/ $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimDiffTmpPath
# Stopping Zimbra
# Cold sync of zimbra folder
rsync -avHK --compare-dest=$ZimFullTmpPath/ $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimDiffTmpPath
rsync -avHK --exclude 'data/ldap/mdb/db/data.mdb' --compare-dest=$ZimFullTmpPath/ $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome $ZimDiffTmpPath
# Special LDAP DB copying needed.
$ZimInstPath/$ZimHome/openldap/bin/mdb_copy $ZimInstPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db $ZimDiffTmpPath/$ZimHome/data/ldap/mdb/db
# Starting Zimbra
# Syncing files from diff to full backup folder
#cp -R $ZimDiffTmpPath/* $ZimFullTmpPath/
# Compressing backup for space reduction
tar -zcvpf $ZimBackupPath/$ZimBackupFile -C $ZimBackupPath td zimbra_version.txt
267,7 → 281,7
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Compressing backup folder..." >> $ZimLogFile
tar -zcvpf $ZimBackupPath/$ZimBackupFile -C $ZimBackupPath tmf zimbra_version.txt >> $ZimLogFile
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Compressing backup folder done." >> $ZimLogFile
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Cleaning differential backup folder..."
rm -r -f $ZimMsgDiffTmpPath/* >> $ZimLogFile
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` - Cleaned differential backup folder."
278,7 → 292,7
# Compressing backup folder
tar -zcvpf $ZimBackupPath/$ZimBackupFile -C $ZimBackupPath tmf zimbra_version.txt
# Cleaning differential folder
rm -r -f $ZimMsgDiffTmpPath/*
559,14 → 573,6
full_restore() {
echo "Full Restore under development"
diff_restore() {
echo "Diff Restore under development"
backup_file() {
# Checks what backup is choosen and sets file-name appropiate
1,4 → 1,4
oZimBackup v1.0.7 2015-12-14
oZimBackup v1.0.7 2016-04-01
22,9 → 22,11
This script utilize rsync, tar & gzip for basic functionality but needs scp, ftp & expect for file transfers.
The script is pre-configured with some basic options. Open up the script in a text editor of your choice and change the options to suite your needs.
The script is pre-configured with some basic options, open up the script in a text editor of your choice
and change the options to suite your needs.
Has been tested with version 8.0.x of Zimbra Collaboration Suite - OSE but should even work with the latest 5.x, 6.x & 7.x OSE branch.
Has been tested with version 8.0.x & 8.6.x of Zimbra Collaboration Suite but should work on newer versions,
Will not work with earlier versions than 8.0.2 anymore, due to LDAP DB handling.